Ambitious Little Man: Rushmore
What could be better than an overly ambitious teen trying to outdo his middle-aged bff?
Dude is Kind of Crazy: Mrs. Doubtfire at 30
What once seemed like wholesome fun is now a 10 on the creeper scale.
Not a Nightmare in Sight
This 30-year-old film has never been more popular, and it’s not hard to see why!
The Immortality of Hocus Pocus
Gather ‘round the cauldron and giggle at this now classic Halloween flick.
Barbie: More Than Plastic
Who would’ve thought that a movie about Barbie would actually have something profound to say?
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
Guy Ritchie’s 1998 film debut is a spiritual successor to Quentin Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction and has few equals.
Saving Private Ryan: 25th Anniversary
Steven Spielberg’s tour-de-force Word War II movie is an incredible homage to the soldiers who stormed Omaha Beach and a bleak reminder of the horrors of war.
Indiana Jones and the Death of Nostalgia Porn
The new Indy flick is the end of an era and another warning shot to Hollywood executives searching for box office treasure in old IP.
The Death of the Female Hero: Rey Palpatine vs. Clarice Starling
The heroine never needs to be stronger than the villain; she just needs to win.
John Wick: Chapter 4
The fourth film abandons any semblance of reality and consequences, but it’s still some of the best on-screen action you’ll ever see.
Jurassic Park: 30 Years Later
It might be showing its age, but this beloved dino-adventure still brings the thrills.